Monday, February 15, 2010

The Leyden Artist Group @ 10 Years : Article in the Greenfield Recorder

Drawn together to share their art in Leyden
By ANITA PHILLIPS Recorder Staff
link to article on the Recorder site

LEYDEN -- A group of talented and tenacious artists has been meeting once a month for the past decade to share and display members' art -- and there seems to be no end in sight for the group.

Peggy Brown, current coordinator of the group, as well as a potter, photographer and writer, said Alicia Hunsicker, another Leyden artist, founded the group more than 10 years ago. Hunsicker is still a member.

''It's an informal group,'' said Brown. "We get together once a month, sometimes to share our art, sometimes to create art and sometimes just to talk about it.'' Brown said the whole idea of the group was to get creative people together to inspire and support each other.

The group consists of potters, painters, fiber artists, photographers, writers, illustrators and more.

Brown said membership fluctuates between 15 and 25 members.

''Sometimes two people will show up for a meeting and sometimes everyone will,'' said Brown.

The group gets together for trips to art museums, art walks, potluck dinners and to just sit in a garden and create.

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Alicia Hunsicker's art is undeniably beautiful. She is an expert at extracting the highly-detailed textures and fibers of the human body, bringing them from darkness, into the light, with a technical precision that rivals any modern-day master.
David Aquino, Brattleboro Reformer