Online magazine Healing Wheel has recently published and interview that they did with me about my artwork which is currently being featured on their site.
Alicia Hunsicker Interview found here
Alicia Hunsicker’s art has a gentleness and a precision that weaves disparate themes and icons seamlessly and with remarkable effectiveness. We are drawn into a thoughtful world where we are asked deep and meaningful questions and where we are shown the exquisite fragility of life. Delicate eggs are suspended in perfect balance. Impending movement, breakage, loss and birth are all at play in the still and silent world of her compositions. There is a delicious mystery and magic to these images. See more of the interview here
Healingwheel is an online magazine for seekers of spiritual and universal truth.
They describe themselves as...A group of every day people, artists, musicians and seekers who are tapping into our Inner Source and turning the resulting inspiration into art and spiritual community. We invite you to enjoy our music, meditations and artwork and welcome you to share your story with us. We are, after all, one community, very large in number but very small in number of differences
1 comment:
wow this is really beautiful!!
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