Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Online Studio Sale

I am gearing up for another big push in the studio to create new work and am needing more space. I have decided that a Studio Sale is in order to make room for the new.

It's a win win situation here!

I get more studio space and you get great paintings at extremely affordable prices.... 

This is an amazing opportunity to own one of my beautiful paintings.

Enjoy the reduced sale prices now being offered for a limited time only. These generous savings are more than 50% off and with free shipping anywhere in the USA.

I am offering 5 paintings from the 2008 Pendulum/Duality Series for this Summer Online Sale.  

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Alicia Hunsicker's art is undeniably beautiful. She is an expert at extracting the highly-detailed textures and fibers of the human body, bringing them from darkness, into the light, with a technical precision that rivals any modern-day master.
David Aquino, Brattleboro Reformer