Thursday, December 31, 2015

Science to Sage Magazine

I recently had the pleasure of working with Karen Elkins, Editor of Science to Sage Magazine.
I am the featured artist with a beautiful spread of images in the

Dec. 2015 issue: 
All Heart

You may find the issue at this LINK

Science with Heart, this is science with soul.

What is Hearts Intelligence ~ Sara Childre
HeartMath Love, The Destroyer and the Maker of Life ~ Tony J. Selimi
The Spiritual Essence of Love ~ Laura Anne Hoorweg
Awakening the Sacred Masculine ~ Keith Gregory
Heart-focused Life Project Design ~ Patricia and John Hardman

Featured Artists ~ ALICIA HUNSICKER


Enjoy the 3 innovative thinkers who invite you to think in new ways.

Sage to Sage on-line Magazine, is reader supported. It is your conscious science network, it’s science with soul. Science to Sage bridges Leading Edge Science, Ancient Wisdom, World Philosophies Mathematicians, Healers and Artists. See how the sages had their wisdom down to a science, from East to West, and Heart to Mind. We look for truth and share its beauty.

Each issue is valued at $8.00.
Donate via your means.

Each issue is inspired by the previous one, or by suggestions that come in. I featuring-Best Selling Authors, Leading Edge Scientists, Innovative Thinkers & Amazing Artists. No where else will you see such a collective body of work on a topic so in-depth and with such bold ideas!

Science to Sage is an on-line magazine where science has art and soul. Science to Sage advances progressive ideas in the fields of science, spirituality, philosophy, art and ancient wisdom. I feature leading edge scientists, independent researchers, innovative thinkers, philosophers, and artists who have a more holistic perspective. Science to Sage will produce Bi-Monthly in the year 2014. The issues have gotten so BIG and rich I thought I would give you some time to digest theme. Science to Sage is where you can see that the sage of the ages had their wisdom down to a science.  ~ Karen Elkins, editor


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Alicia Hunsicker's art is undeniably beautiful. She is an expert at extracting the highly-detailed textures and fibers of the human body, bringing them from darkness, into the light, with a technical precision that rivals any modern-day master.
David Aquino, Brattleboro Reformer