Lately my studio has been looking a little more like a greenhouse!
I have been enjoying painting to the earthy smell of springtime and the colors, soft blues, new greens, and yellows are seeping into my palette.
Here in the foot hills of the Green Mountains, spring is just starting to pop as the leaves on the trees spread for the first time to see the sun.
I am excited about my new work and my new seedlings and looking forward to the bounty both will yield.
I think art and seeds go together perfectly! I could just be saying that because seeds are one of my favorite things to paint, but sprouting seedlings in your studio is even better!
Hi Sharmon, Yes! I like the way the studio is alive and full of creative energy. Paintings and Plants sprouting everywhere. Some of these plants will be for a cut flower garden for bright studio bouquets later this summer and some are for a vegetable garden.
Good to hear from you! xo~Alicia
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