Here is an article about tonight's Gallery Walk in Brattleboro, VT. I will have paintings showing at Gallery in the Woods on Main St. It's a great arts night out ...You're all Invited!!....hope to see you there!
The North Adams Transcript
Thursday March 4, 2010
Gallery Walk marches in like a lion with special emphasis on art by students and women
BRATTLEBORO -- Gallery Walk, Brattleboro’s monthly first-Friday celebration of the arts, features 39 listed venues. A number of meet-the-artist receptions are included, and live music enhances the tour at several stops along the way. Other highlights include an early evening author event at The Book Cellar, the annual Student Art Month awards presentation for high school artists and the opening of the annual "Visions" art show at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery to benefit the Women’s Crisis Center.
Official Gallery Walk hours are 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., although most venues are open earlier and several remain open later into the evening.
The 28-page March edition of the Gallery Walk guide and magazine contains complete listings and a map. This issue’s cover article is an interview with Helen Hawes. Other articles include information about River Gallery School’s 20th annual auction to raise scholarship funds, and Friends of Music at Guilford’s addition of a Women in Music component to the Women’s Crisis Center’s March fundraisers featuring film and art. Online explorers may also visit http://www.gallerywalk.org/.
The printed guide will be available at each participating location, the I-91 Welcome Center, the Chamber of Commerce, area lodging establishments and other convenient outlets. Brief information on exhibits and special events follows, in official
Gallery Walk order.
* American Traders, 257 Marlboro Road, 802-254-1300 or http://www.amtraders.com/. Open until 5:30 p.m., so stop by early or during the month to enjoy recent paintings by Susan Osgood and works by Brattleboro-West Arts members Ron Karpius, Kris McDermet, Heidi S. Mario, Karen Kamenetsky, Jason Breen, Walter Slowinski, Malcolm Wright, Nat Waring and Steven Lloyd.
* Gillies Restaurant, 911 Western Ave., 802-251-0506. Stop in to see the hand-painted mural by Terry Sylvester, original oils and sculpture on canvas by Ron Karpius, a portrait of the restaurant by Paul Sebring and works by other local artists.
* C.X. Silver Gallery, 814 Western Ave., 802-257-7898 or 802-579-9088 or http://www.cxsilvergallery.com/. Tuareg Silver Artistry of Ahmed Ibrah Landi of Bamako, through March 8, daily 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., by appointment; Other shows extended through March 28: "Sacred Art East and West: Icons of the Northeast including Syrian, Russian and Coptic Styles" by iconographers Keri Wiederspahn, Sean Kramer, George Philipos, Jody Cole, David Palmer and Peter Pearson; Tibetan Painting by Chuntui Lama (Thangka painting color workshop on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. pre-registration required, $30). Also continuing: Landscapes from the "Earth and Sky" series, portraits from the "You and Me" series and Contemporary Chinese Art of Xi Cai; plus The Kiri-e Collection of Phyllis Rodin, fabric collage pictures from Hiroshima’s aftermath by young women survivors.
* Neumann Studios Architectural Glass, 30 Strand Ave., 802-251-9901 or http://www.neumannstudios.com/. Special early hours: From 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Liza King and Rick Neumann display a dynamic 9-by-6-foot, three-panel window created for the chapel/meditation room at Cheshire Medical Center in Keene, N.H. The window may also be seen by appointment at the studio until its installation in early March.
* Danielle’s Sandwich Shop, 648 Putney Road, 802-254-6677 or http://www.daniellessandwichshop.com/. Maisie Crowther is showing watercolors of New England.
* Windham Wines & The Wine Gallery, 30 & 36 Main St., 802-246-6400 or http://www.windhamwines.com/. March features "A Feast in the Depths of Winter," digital prints by Brattleboro photographer and Landmark College professor Gene Parulis.
* River Gallery School of Art, 32 Main St., 802-257-1577 or http://www.rivergalleryschool.org/. The school’s 20th Annual Auction Gala is set for March 20 at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. This event raises money for the scholarship program. Stop during Gallery Walk for a preview of some of the artwork and other auction items.
* Latchis Theatre Complex, 50 Main St., 802-254-1109 (Gail). The Main Theatre’s gallery spaces feature "A Walk Through the Seasons," an exhibit of both color and black-and-white photography by New Hampshire resident Marci Cooke. Open for browsing from 5 to 6:30 p.m., during Gallery Walk and otherwise as movie patrons or by appointment.
* Knit or Dye, 41 Main St., 802-258-9100 or http://www.knitordye.net/. Featured artist Mary Rutkovsky is exhibiting "What I’m Doing While I Wait for My Boyfriend," a series of imaginative, archetypical characters created using embroidery thread, remnants of cloth, and found objects. Open for Gallery Walk until 8:30 p.m.
* Twilight Tea Lounge, 41 Main St. (lower level), 802-254-8887 or http://www.twilighttealounge.com/. Drawings and paintings by Catalina Nieto are featured. From 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. percussionist Steve Leicach plays original compositions on the balafon.
* Edward Jones/Joe LoMonaco, 51 Main St., 802-251-0405. Featured artist Pat Conner is showing "From Far Corners," selected work representing the areas of Puget Sound, the American Southwest and the British Isles, some inspired by the beauty of nature and the lure of past cultures. Gallery Walk reception.
* Twice Upon a Time, 63 Main St., 802-254-2261 or nicole.twice@gmail.com or http://www.twicetime.com/. An Art Show & Sale to benefit the Wardsboro Library’s Barn Renovation Project features 11 paintings donated from a private collection.
* Flat Street Brew Pub, 6 Flat St., 802-257-1911. Kate Marion Lapierre of Greenfield, Mass., exhibits new work in mixed media on canvas and wood.
* In-Sight Photography Project, 45 Flat St., Suite 1, 802-251-9960 or http://www.insight-photography.org/. Photographs by former In-Sight student and current volunteer Helen Jones are featured in March. Stop by on Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or during Gallery Walk until 8:30 p.m.
* Vermont Center for Photography, 49 Flat St., 802-251-6051 or http://www.vcphoto.org/. "Primavera: VCP Members Photograph Spring" features photographs by Ed Bissell, Annie Tiberio Cameron, Robert Cantius, William Dixon, Suzanne Flynt, Kirsten Hoving, Al Karevy, Jennifer Karpin-Hobbs, Paul Katz, Janet McClish, Paul Miller, John Nopper, Richard Ritter and Jim Schlessinger. This exhibit runs through March 28. Opening Reception during Gallery Walk from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Winter hours are otherwise Friday, 1 to 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m., and by appointment.
* Experienced Goods Thrift Shop for Brattleboro Area Hospice, 77 Flat St., 802-254-5200. The newest display window is Southeast Asian Tropical Vacation. Still on display is the Moulin Rouge window -- a romantic, slightly naughty, Parisian fantasy. At 6 p.m. groove to the tunes of Ned Phoenix & Friends.
* Hope Gallery at the Elliot Street Café, 134 Elliot St., 802-246-1251. March features a group show with works by Boston-based artists Allyson Raimondi and Galen Baudhuin, plus some Brattleboro natives. Aiden Odonnel and Misha Mross unveil their ping pong Synthesizer.
* Metropolis Wine Bar & Cocktail Lounge, 55 Elliot St., 802-254-1221. Philadelphia-born painter/musician Robert Foran III offers his first exhibit of works inspired by nature, outer space, rock ‘n’ roll, and his own imagination.
* The Weathervane Music Hall, 19 Elliot St. , 802-258-6529 or http://www.theweathervanemusichall.com/. Edmond LeClerc of Westfield, Mass., presents an exhibit titled "State of a More Perfect Union." Singer-songwriter Eve Marie will perform original music until 9 p.m., followed by Crystal 60 performing jazz-funk-rock originals from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
* KidsPLAYce Gallery of Masks & Children’s Book Art, 20 Elliot St., 802-254-5212 or http://www.kidsplayce.org/. Work by master maskmaker Art Costa and local illutrator John Steven Gurney is showing at the Gallery of Children’s Book Art and Ice Cream Shop in KidsPLAYce. Open 5:30 to 8 p.m. for Gallery Walk.
* Through the Music Gallery & Studio, out back at the Turn It Up! music store, 2 Elliot St., 802-779-3188 (Sarah Rice), www.myspace.com/throughthemusicgallery. March features "Bad Romance," a show of recent paintings by JD and AA. Through March 24, opening during Gallery Walk from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
* Mocha Joe’s Café, 82 Main St., 802-257-7794 or http://www.mochajoes.com/. March features a collaborative exhibit of works by 10 members of the Mocha Joe’s staff working in apainting, collage, graphic design, photography, and more. Gallery Walk reception from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
* Yellow Barn Music Festival, on sidewalk at Vermont Artisan Designs, 106 Main St., 802-387-6637, http://www.yellowbarn.org/ or tickets@yellowbarn.org. Stop by during Gallery Walk for information and tickets for Yellow Barn’s performances of György Kurtág’s "Kafka Fragments" at Centre Congregational Church on March 13. Tickets are also available for an open master class and lecture on March 11 and 12 in Putney.
* Vermont Artisan Designs & Gallery 2, 106 Main St., 802-257-7044 or http://www.buyvermontart.com/. Featured in March is 3-D Work by area high school students as part of the Arts Council of Windham County-sponsored Student Art Month. Also artwork by the High Street Painters. Reception from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Awards presentation for student artwork at 7:30 p.m. in Gallery 2. Music by J.C. Donelson from 6 to 8 p.m. A portion of proceeds will go to Pure Water for the World’s relief efforts in Haiti.
* The Book Cellar, 120 Main St., 802-254-6810 or http://www.bookcellarvt.com/. Author event at 6 p.m., Alexander Potter presents a talk titled "Alien Nephews and Werewolf Sisters: Fiction as Autobiography." Science fiction and fantasy author Potter discusses what happens when the truth creeps into fiction. He talks about how that affects his writing, including his latest story in "A Girl’s Guide to Gins and Monsters."
* The Artist’s Loft Gallery & B&B, 103 Main St., third floor, 802-257-5181 or http://www.theartistsloft.com/. Award-winning New England artist William Hays offers his latest works on paper and on canvas. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily.
* Amy’s Bakery Arts Café, 113 Main St., 802-251-1071. Gallery spaces in March feature a continuing exhibit titled "Jubilation," a series by Barbara Pleason Mueller, who uses photography to collect ideas. This innovative work is printed on paper, fabric and transparent media. Open until 8 p.m. for Gallery Walk.
* Beadniks, 115 Main St., 802-257-5114. Featured jewelry by young women of Pece Village in Gulu Town, Uganda, most of whom are mothers preoccupied with family survival. Stop in to meet Janet Abaneka, a seasonal handcraft maker from this village who is attending the SIT Graduate Institute.
* In the Moment Music & Gifts, 143 Main St., 802-257-8171 or http://www.inthemomentrecords.com/. A continuing and expanded exhibit of album cover art features works by Andy Warhol, David Stone Martin, Roger Dean, Alberto Vargas and more. Open until 9 p.m.
* Gallery in the Woods, 145 Main St., 802-257-4777 or http://www.galleryinthewoods.com/. Gallery 1: "The Women’s Show" is featured through April. This multimedia, gallery-wide show is a benefit for the Women’s Crisis Center and features paintings by Gowri Savoor, Denise Beaudette, Jaskarm Desjardins, Laurel Hausler, Kaori Hamura, Alicia Hunsicker, Delia Robinson and others; sculpture, textiles and collage by Marlene Miller, Marilyn Andrews, Chris Roberts Antieau, and Gwen Murphy. Moondog Trio performs at a Gallery Walk opening reception from 5:30 to 8:30. p.m. Gallery 2: "Through the View: Fantasy Vermont from the Mind of Bill Long" is featured through April.
* A Taste of Shiatsu, Hooker-Dunham Building, street-level entry, 139 Main St., 802-451-1920, http://www.lucymarsh.com/. Lucy Marsh, Zen Shiatsu practitioner, is offering 10-minute sessions of traditional seated shiatsu during Gallery Walk.
* Catherine Dianich Gallery, 139 Main St., 802-254-9076, ext. 2, http://www.catherinedianichgallery.com/. The gallery’s annual Love & Passion Show is featured, with work by Jason Alden, Barbara Baribeau, Simi Berman, Brian Cohen, Edward Goodrow, Mathew Peake, Paul Taylor, Myles Danaher, Helen Hawes, and Julia Zanes. Reception during Gallery Walk with music by Steve Carmichael from 6 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment.
* Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery and Youth Gallery, 139 Main St., down alley, 802-254-9276, http://www.hookerdunham.org/. Featured in March is "Visions," the annual fundraising Art Show & Silent Auction to benefit the Women’s Crisis Center. Opening reception from 5 to 7:30 p.m. during Gallery Walk. Gallery hours are otherwise during events at the theater and by appointment. Tickets for the Women’s Film Festival and March 28 concert are available during Gallery Walk from 5 to 7:30 p.m. The Youth Gallery features artwork by students of The Grades Program at Green Valley School.
* The Robert H. Gibson River Garden, 157 Main St., 802-254-2115 (Marie). As part of the Arts Council of Windham County’s annual Student Art Month celebration, an exhibit of two-D Work by area high school students is on display through March 31. Opening reception on Friday, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Best in Show award presentations at Vermont Artisan Designs, 106 Main St., at 7:30 p.m. Other hours are Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Elementary school art is at Brooks Memorial Library, March 6-31..
* Take a Moment for Peace, Centre Congregational Church, 193 Main St., 802-257-4588 (Dee and Bob Keller), 5:30 to 6 p.m., Peace Celebration: Gallery Walkers of all faiths and persuasions are invited into the church parlor to share in quietude, music and readings dedicated to enhancing personal, family, community, and world peace. Claire Stanley and Jack Millett of Vermont Insight Meditation Center, lead a Mindfulness Meditation.
* Let’s Dance So. Vermont at The Church, 210 Main St., 802-348-6671 (Ray Warren), letsdancesovt @gmail.com, http://www.letsdancesovt.org/. An evening of swing dance, foxtrot and other rhythms with music by the Half-Diminished Swing Band from the All-American Song Book, including tunes from the ‘30s, ‘40s, and ‘50s. Free swing lesson from 7:15 to 8 p.m., with open dancing from 8 to 10:30 p.m. Admission is $12; light refreshments.
* Adagio Trattoria, 132 Main St., 802-254-6046. Ron Rosenstock shows photographs of Iceland. The Trattoria’s full menu is available 5 to10 p.m. for Gallery Walkers. Live music from about 7:30 p.m.
* High Street Painters at the Studio of Andrea Scheidler, 24 High St., 802-387-4550, in the Midtown Mall building. Members of High Street Painters are painting in the studio until 4 p.m. with Chicago artist Clayton J. Beck III. Visitors are welcome to observe through the windows in the main hallway. From 6 to 8 p.m., reception for High Street Painters at Vermont Artisan Designs.
Founded in 1995, Gallery Walk qualifies as a nonprofit arts organization through its association with the Arts Council of Windham County. For information on joining the Walk, contact coordinator Joy Wallens-Penford at 802-257-2616 or preferably by e-mail at info@GalleryWalk.org.