So Life has been crazy of late........so many unexpected "new" experiences, connections, goals, and work. I feel that the universe has opened to show me many possibilities and paths.........and I have not quite been able to decide on a focus......except for the necessities! Winter's natural inward focus has also been powerful this year.
This is a new image that I am playing with (in progress) in my Eye explorations and my body mapping work within the Inherent Divinity series. It is a Maori Tattoo........they would map their life experiences with symbols tattooed on the face.
I am also working on several paintings and my figurative commission.

In the same vein I have been enjoying Belly dance classes with Attar and her class schedule can also be found at the previous link.
I want to welcome my new blog followers!......and thank you all for your continued support!
This is a photo I took of dancer Elise Hayden-Ferdman
Standing beside you, holding your hand. You see what others cannot. With open eyes, and an awakened heart, you create beauty out of the seeming no-thing-ness.
This is a miracle to behold. I am truly honored that I am able to witness such beauty in all the special ways you share it with me.
William, Thank you for such a wonderful comment.....you are truly a special person! I am so happy my work speaks to you ~ Alicia
thats so awesome! What an interesting thing to photograph
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