Saturday, August 3, 2013

Website in Progress

I have been working diligently on a new website that will focus on my portfolios, artist statements, and resume and will streamline important information that I need to communicate with galleries and curators. This has been a long time in coming and is sorely needed. Funny, its been amazing that I have gotten away with not having one all these years!

This blog has been my make shift website.  Its been great keeping you all updated on my studio news, exhibitions, and new paintings which I will continue to do still but now in a more focused way. I will not need to keep everything I have posted in the past. I have already taken down all the extra images, updated the design, and when the website goes online I will take off the pages that are duplicated. 

I can't tell you how excited I am to be able to present the full creative expression of the last 10 years of my life in this way. Looking forward to sharing when the new site is live.   xo~Alicia

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Alicia Hunsicker's art is undeniably beautiful. She is an expert at extracting the highly-detailed textures and fibers of the human body, bringing them from darkness, into the light, with a technical precision that rivals any modern-day master.
David Aquino, Brattleboro Reformer