Friday, February 6, 2009

Susan Miller's AstrologyZone: Aquarius Horoscope

Today is my birthday! I thought it would be fun to post my horoscope for this month. I love the FREE horoscopes you can get from Susan Miller at AstrologyZone.

I have no plans but to have a nice and relaxing day.......and maybe to take a break from marketing, research, and applications to do a little painting.

Alicia Hunsicker Photo taken at the Shanghai, Museum

For those of you who are Aquarius, Enjoy this Summary!

For others......go to the website and get your forecast for February.

Marcia Wise.....Happy birthday to you too! ______________________________________________________________

Aquarius Horoscope for February 2009
By Susan Miller

Summary (go to the website for the detailed horoscope..... to large to post)

This is your month, dear Aquarius, and you've waited a very long time for this. February could be your very best month of 2009, for all sorts of new developments will begin now to set you off on a new and more secure direction. All the hard work you've been doing, professionally and even personally, that you thought was simply being poured into a black hole and not seen or appreciated by anyone will now bring a wonderful payoff.
You have many heavenly bodies in your sign: the Sun, Jupiter (gifts and luck), Mars (as of February 4), Neptune, and Mercury (as of February 14). The fact that Mars will be part of the gang of planets in Aquarius is very fortunate, for Mars attests to the fact that you have a great deal of control over your life and that others will be willing to help you succeed. Mars is the planet of action! Of course, having Jupiter, the great benefic, in your corner is the best of all, and now Mars will be your booster rocket to get you to where you need to be.
Last month's eclipse in Aquarius, January 26, was a key signal that things were about to change for the better for you.
Now a full moon lunar eclipse will come by on February 9 and put the spotlight on your closest alliance. Are you happy? If so, this eclipse will draw you closer, even if you are already committed.
Valentine's Day could prove to be a magnificent moment, not only because you have Jupiter so close to your Sun, but also because of a string of three configurations due February 16, 17, and 18, respectively: Jupiter signaling Venus, Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, and finally Mars and Venus in sweet, flirtatious angles. You may decide to travel over Valentine's Day (or during one or more of these three dates mentioned). Other parts of your life will be on fire, too - all to your delight.
If you are not happy in your relationship, the universe will ask you to find out why and to do something about it - to fix your alliance, or if you are beyond that, to leave. This could be felt in a business or romantic alliance, so see what happens. Eclipses bring certain truths to light, and in your case, you may get conflicting messages at this eclipse, so take time to get to the bottom of things.
Even if you do break up with your partner now, you're in such a strong position that I can only say it is most likely for the best. You don't want to be tied to anyone who does not value you, not in this dazzling, made-for-Aquarius year. If you hope to meet someone new who is truly right for you, 2009 is the year for that - absolutely!
If you are already committed, this would be a great year to have a baby - consider it! If you have your children already or don't want children, the upcoming aspects engender wonderful aspects for creative efforts, something you will start to see in full force by May.
By time you get to the new moon in Pisces, February 24, you will see an upturn in your finances. You may see a business or financial action begin at this time, so look for opportunity. New moons are times to plant seeds. It may take you up to six months to realize the full flowering of the situation (or it may be much shorter), but the point is to start something because the universe will be on your side!
Dates to note:
Planets in Aquarius will create such a commotion in early February that put you front and center of any important endeavor, personal or professional. It's a time to take risks, voice your needs and vision, and get your new life launched.
You'll make a key decision about a partner at the lunar eclipse February 9. A partner may inspire you or invoke horror, but it's unlikely that you'll have any result that falls in between.
Traveling a short distance over Valentine's Day sounds divine. Can't go then? A trip taken February 16-18 would produce perfection. Travel boosts romance, too.
More money can be yours if you're quick on the draw after the new moon, February 24 and the days that follow. It's a great time to ask for a raise. Pluto's position suggests you've got awesome behind-the-scenes support from VIPs.
Most romantic dates: February 4, 7, 12, 14, 16-18, 21-22, 27, and 28.

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Alicia Hunsicker's art is undeniably beautiful. She is an expert at extracting the highly-detailed textures and fibers of the human body, bringing them from darkness, into the light, with a technical precision that rivals any modern-day master.
David Aquino, Brattleboro Reformer