Thursday, March 26, 2009

Art Calendar Magazine : Michelle Manley : The Artist and the Shaman

I really got a lot out of the latest Art Calendar Magazine.
It had a great listing of the National Park Residencies. An artist friend Janet Morgan, NYC, who has done many park residencies has a Quote and Image in the article. Congrats Janet!
I dream of painting in the Grand Canyon or Sedona, AZ sometime........ Actually I just watched a movie about an artist painting in Sedona called The Artist and the Shaman from Netflix. It was a wonderful journey in spirituality and personal transformation about and artist who is painting the sacred vortexes while contemplating the death of his father.

Back to Art Calendar...........It also had information about Grant writing (I've done a lot of this but its great to get a new perspective), and I was introduced to a new artist whose work I loved!

The article "Pursuing the Impossible" is about the NY Artist Michelle Manley who won a Pollock-Krasner Grant. Her work included rocks and dramatic storm clouds.
The cloud paintings were especially wonderful with titles like Heightened Alert. I couldn't find a website for her but found this picture and a review of her work on the blog Oly's Musings. Here is
the link to the article.

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Alicia Hunsicker's art is undeniably beautiful. She is an expert at extracting the highly-detailed textures and fibers of the human body, bringing them from darkness, into the light, with a technical precision that rivals any modern-day master.
David Aquino, Brattleboro Reformer