In the summer I like to be near my sliding glass doors for the sunlight but in the winter it can get too cold to paint in that spot. So I must move the work tables and easels etc..away from the glass and closer to the wall that my wood stove heat can reach.
I also noticed that my resident orchids are not at all happy next to the window anymore so they will also be moved to a warmer location for the winter.
I am going through all the old clutter and special things that needed dusting… getting rid of the dust bunnies & cobwebs. I am putting away paintings I have been looking at for too long and left their spaces empty to be replaced with new or work in progress…. I have another day or two of cleaning, organizing, and moving but when it’s done...it will also feel like a brand new place to work. Renewed!
(Photo taken outside my studio)
My goal is that when it is finished it will support the new person I have grown into this last year and the new work that I am creating. Out with the old….In with the new!
Winter’s To Dos…….
*Website needs to go back online….will now be set up as an on-line portfolio
*Continue to work on Inherent Divinity series on paper and Start the oil on canvas works that could be shown with them.
* Next Solo-Show needs to be scheduled
*Catalog of New Works by Alicia Hunsicker…Published by Hampden Gallery needs to be started & finished!!
* Finish figurative commission.
Looks like I am going to continue to be very busy!!
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