My son, then me, and now his daddy have all had the flu.........Its been a long 2 weeks!
Feeling sad that I had to cancel so many plans, I had some studio visits planned last weekend, and this weekend I was going to the Call and Response Show to meet artist, Diana Simard and NY Curator, David Gibson.......Also happening was Print Far North where I was looking forward to seeing the work of print maker's Lillianna Pereira and Anita Hunt ........The Pine Street Open Studios in Florence, The North Star Belly dance show with dancer, Whitney Suter, and finally my monthly crit group!...........That is a lot to miss!
I do have some important news that I will share soon! I just need to figure out some of the details still....stay tuned.
Sorry to hear that your family has been sick and hope they are feeling better now. And sorry that you missed so many art events. Hard to take that. Maybe now that you have all that out of the way, you'll sail through the rest of the winter without even a runny nose!
Thanks Nancy, I think I am finally in the home strech..and I would love to be "done with sickness" for the winter! Cheers to that!....Ya, I did miss a lot...I can add a few more things this past week (hillside salon)...but I will also say that sometimes when we are forced to stay home we get a chance to do some inner work....Here's to good Heath! ~ XO~Alicia
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