There are a few of you who still need to send me your mailing address. If you haven't done so yet please do. I would like to be able to thank you with a reward.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Particle Collision Paintings: Winter Show and Studio Notes:
There are a few of you who still need to send me your mailing address. If you haven't done so yet please do. I would like to be able to thank you with a reward.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Boundless Article in Life & Times
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Particle Collision #2, 35" x 38", mixed media on paper, Alicia Hunsicker, 2012 |
This is Particle Collision #2, The second painting I completed during my residency in Austria. It is featured today in the Recorder article "Boundless" written by David Rainville. The article is available on-line at:
Sunday, November 18, 2012
My Sincerest Thanks
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Particle Collision #1, 35"x38" Alicia Hunsicker, Austria, 2012 |
It was a challenging and rewarding journey that most assuredly has changed the way I see the world.
Boundless: Artist Residency in Austria and Journey to CERN
Places visited:
Mallnitz, Austria
Lyon, France
D. Fleiss East West artist Residency and Symposium, Mallnitz, Austria
Exhibitions at BIOS National Park Museum, Mallnitz, Austria and ARTour Brussels, Belgium
Day trips to Grossglockner and Raggaschlucht in Austria.
This was inspirational, educational, challenging, supportive and most of all joyous adventure. It was a wonderful few weeks of art, travel, new friends & cuisine. The paintings I created while at the residency were well received and have continued to open new directions for me as an artist. The image above: Particle Collision #1 is now in the collection of the D. Fleiss East West Foundation. Austria was amazingly beautiful and I hope to go back someday.
Love and Blessings to all, xo ~Alicia
Aunt Jean
Ralph Lowen
Deborah Garner
Karen Loomis
Paula and Karen Sayward
Pam Stone
Simone Alter-Muri
Peggy Olchen
Tess Gadwa and family
Ben Brau, UMass Physics Dept.
Judith Motzkin
Kristin Nicholas
David Rainville, Trish Crapo, and The Recorder
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Kickstarter Success!
I am so thankful to everyone who pledged support to my project. This is going to be an amazing trip that will inspire me for a very long time!
Dave Rainville of the Greenfield Recorder wrote a nice follow up article about the Residency and the kickstarter compaign. I will post it if I can find it online.
This is Mallnitz, Austria where I will be living during my residency with the D. Fleiss East West Artists Foundation. It is the kind of village that they call a "Pearl of the Alps."
Friday, August 17, 2012
Artist Spotlight on the Pagan Sphinx
Gina Duarte writer of the Pagan Sphinx writes:
“Please visit my blog, The Pagan Sphinx to read my post on Western Massachusetts artist and my friend Alicia Hunsicker. She is a woman of great artistic gifts and keen intellect.
I wish her well in her current fundraising efforts to attend a residency program she as invited to participate in. The residency is in Austria and will include a visit to CERN - The European Organization for Nuclear Research. What does the Higgs Boson Particle have to do with art? Read my article! Best luck, Alicia!”
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Half Way There!
(and future ones too!)
I am a little over the half way mark on my kickstarter campaign for my project Boundless.
13 days left to be exact with an ending date of August 28th.
I am thrilled with the generous support I have received so far!
A big thank you for the special surprise donation I received from Rainer, Washington!
I still need to raise quite a bit more but I am hopeful that it will all work out. Please consider being a backer and getting a great reward in return. I am offering lots of custom made art especially for my backers, eye portraits, hand carved maple burl wands, workshops, and paintings etc.
Check it out…I bet there is something for you!
A successful Kickstarter campaign is usually the result of it being seen by many people, so even if you aren't interested in doing any of the pledges it would be great if you would share this link with friends and family, on facebook and any other social media you are involved with.
Thank you! :o)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Pledges and Rewards
A lot of time and effort went into selecting them, and will also go into making them for this project.
The coasters recently sold out! I have added a few more sets and only one set is left at this moment.
I am trying to come up with an alternate reward for that pledge amount but I am not having any brilliant ideas….yet!
Please consider backing my project and joining me on this journey. Even the smallest pledge can make a world of difference.
Getting Stitched on the Farm
Leyden Glen sheep and neighborhood view photo by Kristen Nicholas |
We are big fans of Leyden Glen Lamb’s sweet sausage!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Open Studio Success and Stat Trends
I also wanted to share with you this fun Stat feature that will keep you updated on the progress of my project: Boundless! Currently I am 31% funded with 18 days to go. Here is the stat page link on kicktraq.
Please consider backing my project and joining me on this journey. A small pledge can make a world of difference.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Open Studio Event This Sunday: Directions
Open Studio Event
Friday, July 27, 2012
Kickstarter Launch! ~ Boundless: Artist Residency in Austria and Journey to CERN
Thursday, July 26, 2012
"It's a constant unfolding" ~Today's Greenfield Recorder Article
Lastly, my Kickstarter campain was approved! Tomorrow I will do a last edit and get it launched! All and all a very good day!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Save the Date! Sunday, August 5th ~ Open House and Studio Sale
This is the first event planned to help raise travel funds for this residency. I must raise $4500. for travel costs by Sept. 1st.
I hope you can make it!
- Featuring small original
paintings, drawings, and prints
along with cards, magnets and other fun things priced between $5 and $50. - Medium and Large works will
also be available at affordable studio sale prices.
- New paintings in progress can
be previewed.
Raffle of original artwork. - Refreshments will be served.
Friday, July 6, 2012
D. Fleiss East West Artist Residency in Mallnitz, Austria
D. Fleiss East West Artists Foundation
to an artist residency and Symposia of Contemporary Art in
After almost a year of confinement because of my broken leg accident, I can’t tell you how excited I am about the possibility of going to this residency. There are some challenges ahead of me. First of all I must continue to improve my physical strength and stamina to allow me to travel confidently and to enjoy the time I will have creating and exploring in the
Artist, Joyce Conlon stopped into the studio for a visit recently.
She was the first to see the new painting in progress that I am working on. We had a wonderful conversation about painting and process. It was a brilliant reminder that all things come in good time….and we must be open to let the work unfold through the process of creating it and to have a little fun while doing it too!
Friday, June 22, 2012

These are some photos of the new paint combo along with my resident studio cat. It’s very different from the old studio look… more sophisticated perhaps? I tried to stay neutral so that the space would not affect my color usage on my new work.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Fresh Paint - New Space
The reason I am posting it today is to say goodbye to my cream walls and indigo floor. Over the next few days I will be repainting the walls a soft white and the floor a coffee brown. I am looking forward to the fresh paint- new space feel that will be created. Over the last few years I have realized that although I LOVE my floor this color, it has impacted my paintings by reflecting blue onto their surfaces causing me to over paint in the yellow spectrum. I am hoping that the brown floor will be neutral enough as to not affect my color usage. I was looking at greys but shied away because of the bluish tints that can happen in them.
I will post some photos soon of the new space but remember if you would like to see it in person I am welcoming studio visits all month long.
Friday, May 25, 2012
My Open Studio this June Located in Scenic Leyden, MA

I have decided that I will be opening my scenic Leyden, MA studio up to the public for the month of June. It will be my first open studio since my accident last year. If you would like a studio visit please email me to arrange a time. I will also be picking a day or weekend to have an official opening where people can just stop in, hang out, have a snack and check out the work.
Also I am considering doing eye portraits is the link for details and to some of the ones I have done in the past.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Between March 9 and May 19, 2002, 99+ artists transcended geographical, political and cultural boundaries to stage 99+ exhibitions throughout the world. Afterwards, all 10,000+ art works were given away in the guise of "coasters" at bars, cafes and restaurants.
To celebrate, TransCultural Exchange will stage a 10th year anniversary exhibit and give-away of 'The Coaster Project, Destination: The World' at
I have been having some fun with this project! Here are a few examples of some of the coasters I have been making. I hope to do a few sets along with the one I will exhibit with the TCE and which will eventually be given away in Toronto.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Cosmology : We Are Stardust
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Kaboom, 7.5” x 8”, Acrylic on Cradleboard, 2011 |
– Lawrence Krauss (cosmologist)
Thursday, May 3, 2012
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Painting in Progress, 18"x 24", acrylic on cradleboard, 2012 |
The Cosmic Metabolism of Form
I am loving articles and anything really that bridge science and spirituality the way I aspire to do with my paintings.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Greening the Studio

yellow squash, zucchini, winter squash varieties, peppers, snap peas, green and yellow bush beans, cabbage, lettuce, Swiss chard, beets, carrots, collard greens,cucumbers, onions, garlic, parsley, dill, cilantro, and lots of varieties of tomatoes!
To have room for all this we will be expanding a section of the garden to try a pallet bed where you cover the bottom of a wooden pallet with garden cloth and fill it with dirt, then plant between the slats. This should work well with shallow rooted plants and helps keep the moisture in and the weeds out. Looking forward to seeing how it works out.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Worcester Telegram Article on Worcester Window's & Terri Priest
Terri Priest joins other artists for Worcester's community gallery program. By Nancy Sheehan TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Dragonfly & Worcester Windows Artist Reception

Worcester Windows Spring
Exhibit & Artist Reception
MA from 5-7 p.m..
Light refreshments will be served with a cash bar available.
The Hanover Theatre is located at 2 Southbridge St
in downtown Worcester.
Terri Priest, whose work is
currently on display at the Hanover Theatre,
Friday, March 23, 2012
Taking It To The Streets! ~ Worcester Windows Spring Exhibition

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The New York Optimist
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Thought Forms

My studio time has been consumed with various writing projects. From grant proposals, residency applications, and interviews, I have had no time to paint! Though I am happy with the results.
If you haven’t yet seen the article that came out in SuperConsciousness Magazine, Please check it out. It will give you an insight into the new direction I am going in.
A friend and collector of my work came by to wish me well and decided to add Thought Forms to her private collection. She wrote to me afterward saying " I LOVE my new painting! It sits in a space where I see it all the time, and I consciously look at it all the time. It's like after a while I will have memorized all my favorite parts. It has made my living room a truly visually interesting place to be."
So while I was physically down and in isolation for the last
8 months or so….My work has gotten some high visibility with the show at Gallery in the Woods and the unbelievable press the new work has
generated. It’s strange how life gets balanced out. I am in gratitude and am reminded of my wonderful belief that Anything is Possible!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
SuperConsciousness Magazine Interview

Friday, March 2, 2012
The Past, Future, and Particle Colliders

I have had the fortunate experience recently to view my work through new eyes. This fresh perspective is through the eyes of Science. I have always thought of my work as Spiritual but as my awareness and interest unfolded I realized that
science is interested and asking the same questions I am exploring in my own artistic investigations.
I have found the natural unfolding of my work to be
at times eerie in the way my past interests connect with my future interests.
Here is one recent example…….a few years ago I went to
to work with the
to present a project called “ Eye to Eye”.
When I arrived home I became even more obsessed with eye imagery and did some really beautiful eye portraits. Right now I am really passionate about doing a collaboration with a scientist and eventually visiting either the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (
Particle collider detectors are the eyes scientists use to visualize the smallest building blocks of nature. It is quite amazing!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Why Science Needs Art
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Creation and Destruction, 24”x 29”, Oil on Board, 2011 |
The more we know about reality, the more palpable its paradoxes become. The author of Proust Was a Neuroscientist and editor of SEED magazine, believes that artistic interpretations of scientific ideas and theories offer science a new lens through which to see itself while also furthering our inquiry into the nature of consciousness.
But the trajectory of science has proven to be a little more complicated. The more we know about reality—about its quantum mechanics and neural origins—the more palpable its paradoxes become. As Vladimir Nabokov, the novelist and lepidopterist, once put it, "The greater one’s science, the deeper the sense of mystery."
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Noosphere and The Global Consciousness Project

What we have been taught is being challenged by new discoveries!
To get up to date check out Scientific American’s publication
“A new look at Human Evolution”
These developments excite me!!!!
Scientists have also discovered a field of intelligent energy that surrounds us all and connects us and what we think and feel have an effect on this field.
This field appears to be a web that makes up the fabric of space.
This field is everywhere all the time. It’s the stuff that is in the nothing.
Scientists are calling it by many names…Quantum Hologram, the mind of nature, noosphere, or even the mind of God.....only to name a few.
Princeton University is now studying that field in a project from the
The Institute of Noetic Sciences which is directed by Roger Nelson called “The Global Consciousness Project” It askes the question “What is the nature of Global Consciousness?”
This project developed technology that detects and responds to this field and measures changes in mass consciousness.
The devices known as EGGS were planted all over the globe
And have been monitored for the last 12 years.
This field fluctuated before global events like 9/11 or in a more positive scope during times of mass prayer.
You can see this mapping and data collection in real time on their website.
The projects starts “Coherent consciousness creates order in the world.
Subtle interactions link us with each other and the Earth.When human consciousness becomes coherent and synchronized, the behavior of random systems may change. Quantum event based random number generators (RNGs) produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. The probability is less than one in a billion that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere, or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures.
The Global Consciousness Project is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists and engineers. We collect data continuously from a global network of physical random number generators located in 70 host sites around the world. The data are transmitted to a central archive which now contains more than 12 years of random data in parallel sequences of synchronized 200-bit trials every second. "
Monday, January 30, 2012
Glendon Mellow's Commentary on the Science-Art Show Winners
About "Transfusion" he says "Hunsicker gives us the branches of thought, the branching arteries and systems of the body and the botanical branches of the environment all together: Is the figure transfused with a sense of nature? Is a dead body transfusing nutrients to the forest? Mysterious and haunting – or joyful?- this painting asks us to ask questions."
To see the other winners work and read his commentary on this show go his Scientific American blog Symbiartic.
I am looking forward to next years show already!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Most Innovative

Although its rare that I enter juried shows these days, I am really interested in exploring the emerging field of Science and Art. I was very happy to be chosen to be included in the show and for the new connections I have made. The show received sponsorship from Rob Dunn ( thank you Rob!) from Your Wild Life Lab. and 6 monetary prizes were announced in 3 categories;
Most Innovative
Best able to convey complex ideas
Best science art having to do with daily life
This is the first show that I have participated in that awarded prizes and I was pleasantly surprised to have been awarded one! A big thank you to Karyn Traphagen and Glendon Mellow for organizing , curating and co-judging the show and a big Congratulations to the other artists who won awards.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Brattleboro Museum Micro Grants
We had a wonderful time at the BEAN Micro-Grant Dinner with over 65 attendees. It was a successful night raising over $750. which was split between two projects; One, for an organization which provides art classes to low income children and the other, for a middle school chorus to travel to an event. As attendees we had over 15 proposals to review before we could vote on the two we wanted the funds to go to.
The dinner from Elliot Street Cafe was great...actually I think they make the best brownies I have ever eaten!!!!
The band Red Heart the Ticker was awesome!! I am thinking about getting a CD to play in my studio while I paint. I really enjoyed watching the small children dancing with total abandon!
For information about the next BEAN Micro-Grant Dinner, and to area artists who would like to apply....check the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center's site here.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Brattleboro Essential Arts Network (BEAN) Micro-Grant Dinner Tonight!

Friday, January 20, 2012
A New Song to Sing

We are 20 days into the new year..2012!! and I am just getting around to that New Years post.
Although I have one last surgery to attend to with my leg from last years break, I am feeling a new beginning, a new phase in my life that is opening....I have the feeling of being ripe with possibility and it's overwhelming me! This is my new painting in progress....tentatively named A New Song to Sing, in the spirit of letting go of the past and moving forward into the great unknown.
ScienceOnline2012 Art Show

Friday, January 13, 2012
It's Friday the 13th and I'm Feeling Lucky!

Well something wonderfully surprising did happen......I came across this article in Artscope magazine about Brattleboro's Gallery walk and lo and behold my paintings are in it! This is a photo taken at Gallery in the Woods, during my Nov. - Dec. Solo show. Even though my show is over the gallery has kept most of the work for a strong showing for the Winter/Spring season.
David Aquino, Brattleboro Reformer